What do people love about chicken noodle soup? Perhaps the fact that it has a bit of everything: meat, broth, noodles, vegetables. All of the disparate elements mix together to create a hearty, comforting and delicious dish. Similarly, a lawyer with a mix of experience—at a law firm, working in-house and for the government—brings a bit of everything to the GC chair. That is the case for Adam Ciongoli, whose legal career started with Kirkland & Ellis, and included a stint working with John Ashcroft in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Justice, along with a turn as a clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, and in-house jobs at Time Warner Inc. and Willis Group Holdings.

Most recently, Ciongoli left Lincoln Financial Group, where he had been general counsel for three years, to step into the role at the Campbell Soup Company in July. Now, he brings his experience in the financial sector to the world of food—and enjoys a cup of tomato soup almost every day. Ciongoli spoke to senior editor Rich Steeves; an edited version of their conversation follows.

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