The Electronic Frontier Foundation is helping an online library fight a Washington state law that could expose Internet service companies and other third parties to criminal charges for content related to sex trafficking of minors. It has a joined a challenge to the law brought by an online classified service, claiming the law is unconstitutionally vague and overbroad.
The Washington state law, SB 6251, “Regulating advertising of commercial sexual abuse of a minor,” was enacted on May 29. It provides: “A person commits the offense of advertising commercial sexual abuse of a minor if he or she knowingly publishes, disseminates, or displays, or causes directly or indirectly, to be published, disseminated, or displayed, any advertisement for a commercial sex act, which is to take place in the state of Washington and that includes the depiction of a minor.” The bill’s summary on the Washington state legislature’s page says the statute provides that the crime is a class C felony.
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