Increasingly, EU countries are introducing procedures for private representative, opt-in collective, opt-out class and other hybrid model actions, which have come to be known generally as “collective redress” actions. Most EU countries now have some form of procedure for such collective redress actions, but the state of play is highly dynamic with varying models and standards evolving across the EU.

In keeping with its single market mandate, the European Commission (EC) has also made its views known and is now expected to weigh in further with regard to Community-wide standards for private collective redress actions. Thus, on Oct. 5, 2010, the EC issued an Information Note announcing that the three Directorates-General within the EC, DG Competition, DG Sanco (Consumer Protection) and DG Justice, which have all separately been consulting on private enforcement in recent years, are now aiming to jointly produce a draft framework containing minimum standards for private collective redress actions.1

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