Thomas Boyd

Venable has added Thomas Boyd as a partner and co-chair of its government and legislative affairs practice in Washington, the firm announced Tuesday. Boyd was a partner at DLA Piper for more than a decade, and he formerly co-chaired DLA Piper's government affairs and regulatory practice.

Boyd served as assistant attorney general in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations from 1987 to 1989, and then led the Justice Department's Office of Policy Development from 1989 until 1991.

He said in a statement that he was eager to be joining Venable, where he will represent clients on privacy, financial services, electronic commerce, and legislative and regulatory matters.

“Venable has a healthy sense of self born of tremendous achievement in the legal community, and it has an intensely collaborative and interactive culture that sets it apart from many of its contemporaries,” Boyd said.

He was not immediately available for an interview, and DLA Piper had no immediate comment on his departure.

Boyd previously led Alston & Bird's legislative group before moving to DLA Piper in 2007.

“Tom has a sterling reputation, and he is very respected by people inside the beltway as well as by his clients. We look forward to drawing upon his knowledge and wisdom in the public policy and regulatory spaces,” Mark Pryor, co-chair of Venable's legislative and government affairs group, said in a statement.

Venable's government affairs practice also hired Daris Meeks, Vice President Mike Pence's former domestic policy adviser, to the same practice earlier this year. Meeks rejoined the team at Venable, which includes more than 20 registered lobbyists in its ranks.

Many members of Venable's team are prominent in Democratic Party politics, such as Tom Quinn, who advised the presidential campaigns of former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and former Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy.