The world of the data-driven lawyer is no longer just a futuristic vision. Leading attorneys are routinely leveraging a variety of advanced technologies to gain data insights that were not previously knowable.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has already been used to do things like help run factories, fly planes, fine-tune Uber pricing algorithms and optimize professional workflows. Now, next-generation technologies such as machine learning, advanced natural language processing (NLP), data analytics and data visualization are poised to extend these capabilities. In the legal profession, AI is helping attorneys manage data-intensive tasks more productively and efficiently, allowing them to focus on high-value strategic activities and initiatives that will benefit their clients and grow their business.

In the days before computer technology, lawyers prepared for litigation by reading and re-reading case law in search of precedents, sifting through piles of hard copy evidence and consulting with colleagues about strategy. Some attorneys still rely wholly or partly on pre-computer methods, but next-generation technology is beginning to yield next-generation lawyers.