The Florida Bar has raised the income qualifying cap for its online legal clinic, Florida Free Legal Answers, to ensure that Floridians can access the site and post questions related to Hurricane Irma.

More than 500 attorneys signed up to volunteer for the site, (, which ordinarily matches low-income Floridians with attorneys who can answer basic legal questions. The site is a collaboration between the Florida Bar and the American Bar Association, which approved the qualifying cap increase. Separately, a toll-free legal aid hotline run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be available once Hurricane Irma makes landfall.

The FEMA Legal Assistance Hotline will be available to assist low-income hurricane victims with storm-related legal help. Hurricane victims will be able to get advice on a range of topics, including securing FEMA and other benefits; filing life, medical and property insurance claims; dealing with home repair contracts and contractors; replacing wills and other important legal documents destroyed in the storm; assisting with consumer protection matters; and counseling on landlord/tenant problems.