Mobile devices create both opportunities and headaches for corporations everywhere. They permit giant productivity gains, but also generate security issues and enable a massive proliferation of data, which create additional litigation and investigational risks.

Potentially responsive discovery data—or data that may be necessary for internal and external investigations related to HR matters, fraud, IP theft and more—that resides on smartphones, tablets and other devices isn't only hard to track, it can be extremely difficult to capture and preserve. But it must be managed properly.

This FTI Technology white paper will help legal departments think proactively about these issues, rather than playing catch-up after an incident occurs. Specifically, it discusses:

  • Implications for litigation and investigations
  • Case law related to mobile devices
  • BYOD—and it's sibling “COPE” policies
  • Specific challenges related to preservation and/or collection

In addition, the paper delivers concrete steps for proactively managing mobile device data in order to avoid trouble later on.

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