Continuing Legaltech News' series profiling the members of this year's e-discovery software Magic Quadrant, we recently caught up with kCura, the developers behind the Relativity e-discovery platform and one of the seven companies ranked in the “leaders” category for 2015. kCura has captured this title, for the third consecutive year, and according to the company, its success can be boiled down to three major points.

“The first is that we have a really great user base; they're willing to tell us what works and what we need to improve…we have over 121,000 users worldwide so there's an advantage there in terms of us getting a large volume of diverse feedback,” Nick Robertson, kCura's vice president of product and marketing, said in an interview with Legaltech News.

The company has placed considerable emphasis on the cultivation of this community, with a large staff dedicated to helping users get the most out of Relativity and a series of roadshows and events that help them to better utilize it.