Adaku-Abimbola-Ufere_616x372Adaku Ufere, Centurion Law Group

Finalists: Kelly Kapianga, Corpus Legal Practitioners; Aalia Manie, Webber Wentzel (Highly Commended); Megan Nicholas, Hogan Lovells

Adaku Ufere heads the energy practice at Centurion Law Group, managing teams across Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa and Mauritius. Described by colleagues as an "out-of-the box" thinker, she manages pan-African client relationships in both the public and private sector; covering hydrocarbons, mining, oil and gas infrastructure and power.

She was a key member of the team that successfully negotiated the first exploration and production-sharing agreement signed in the Republic of South Sudan, on behalf of an African exploration company, thereby facilitating a $500m investment. She also advised the government of Equatorial Guinea on various agreements with a consortium of multinational exploration oil and gas companies  that established the legal and fiscal framework for a $2bn investment.

Meanwhile, Ufere is an enthusiastic supporter of mentoring and is currently providing guidance to 15 young women in Nigeria. In addition, she was a key member of the team that recently set up a scholarship funded by her firm for Sub-Saharan African citizens to study a range of petroleum-related subjects at the University of Aberdeen.

"This is an exceptional candidate with sound leadership qualities, excellent performance and unrivalled experience in African jurisdictions," said one of the judges.

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