There's no shortage of lawyers on Twitter trying to plug their legal services and drum up business. But a few have taken Twitter to a different level, skipping the business development angle altogether for a simpler goal.

To make people laugh.

Although it's not an exhaustive list by far, here are a handful of lawyers and judges on Twitter who could bring a smile to your face. They tweet about everything from the law, to sports, their kids, their cars, or random daily life. But there's one thing that holds them together: humor.

Who is your favorite funny lawyer or judge on social media? Send an email to [email protected] and we'll check it out.

In his day job, Ken White, partner in Brown White & Osborn in Los Angeles, represents clients in white-collar investigations and prosecutions. But as @Popehat, his alter ego on Twitter, White blasts to more than 98,000 followers his pithy, sarcastic humor about politics, current events, legal news and criminal-justice topics. It's a great lawyer-feed to follow for law-related humor.

Although @NotJerryTiptan amassed nearly 72,000 followers since 2010, no one knew who wrote the account, a parody of a college basketball reporter from Lexington, Kentucky. Then an Internet sleuth discovered @NotJerryTipton's real identity—Birmingham lawyer Lee Stewart—and local media covered the story. Stewart, who practices civil defense as a partner in Gaines Gault Hendrix, never blinked an eye: He said it wasn't a huge deal, and kept on tweeting. It's a great lawyer-written Twitter account to follow for sports humor, although it'll be funniest to basketball fans familiar with the University of Kentucky and University of Louisville.

While there's the occasional odd law-related Tweet, for the most part, Minnesota attorney Christina Squiers jokes with her 7,200 followers on @floozyesq about random things: her work life, favorite TV shows, or getting her car stuck in snow. There's a good mix of potty humor. After earning her law degree in 2017 from the University of Minnesota Law School, Squiers became an assistant city attorney in the civil division of the City of Minneapolis City Attorney's Office.

Washington, D.C., lawyer Jack Metzler, who works in the general counsel's office of the Federal Trade Commission, has been tweeting at @SCOTUSPlaces since 2013 and has attracted about 6,100 followers. Although he originally set up his handle to talk about places connected to the U.S. Supreme Court, it's blossomed into more. You'll find jokes about butter substitutes, judge-themed TV show ideas and Metzler's outfit during the recent government shutdown.

This list wouldn't be complete without mentioning Judge Don Willett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Tweeting since he was a humble justice on the Texas Supreme Court, Willett has amassed a following of 111,000. He's tweeting less nowadays since he joined the federal appellate bench, but still pens jokes about his children, the “Wee Willetts,” events in history, and legal writing. Sadly, Willett's jokes were more plentiful before Trump nominated him in late September to the Fifth Circuit. Senators questioned him intensely about certain tweets. After his confirmation late last year, it seemed like he would pick back up, but Willett hasn't yet come close to his previous volume.

Dubbed the “CoJ” for short, the Camry of Justice—a 14-year-old Toyota Camry XLE model “with a sweet V6” (according to its Twitter bio), could be the only car owned by a judge on Twitter. Tweeting from the Camry's perspective since 2014, Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeff Brown writes about his journeys across Texas to meet with lawyers, to speak at legal education seminars or to appear at campaign events. There's frequent interaction between the Camry and Brown's own Twitter account. The most popular Camry tweets reveal the car's snarky alter-ego of Brown.

#appellatetwitter isn't a person, it's a community of self-proclaimed appellate nerds from across the country who banter about Bluebook style questions and other appellate lawyer problems like working with associates who are too tidy, having the flu on deadline, doodling while working or encountering word-processing snafus. The cohesive #appellatetwitter communities in Atlanta and Austin often use Twitter to arrange real, in-person get-togethers. #Appellatetwitter even entered the mainstream last year when a federal appellate court blocked President Donald Trump's first travel ban.

Angela Morris is a freelance reporter. Check her out on Twitter at @AMorrisReports