Welcome to Skilled in the Art. I'm Law.com IP reporter Scott Graham. We have a new, unanimously confirmed USPTO director, and so far he's made it one day without upsetting patent owners or accused infringers. We'll see how long that streak keeps going. As always, email me tips on anything IP and find me on Twitter @scottkgraham.

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Will the Real Director Iancu Please Stand Up?

Only 12 1/2 months into the new administration and we already have a permanent USPTO director! Irell & Manella partner Andrei Iancu was confirmed 94-0 by the U.S. Senate in a Monday evening vote. Gene Quinn speculates that Joe Matal, who's been performing the functions of interim director since Michelle Lee's departure last June, will be tapped as deputy director.

Iancu brings exceptional credentials to the job as an IP litigator and managing partner of Irell for six years. But as the slew of congratulatory press releases rolled in Monday night, I couldn't escape the feeling: