What should you consider when staffing a project, creating a project plan, and a budget?


  • Gather in your existing planning work.
  • Create a basic project timeline chart with tasks from today to the end of the project.
  • Determine who, from the firm, should best perform each task.
  • Determine who, from the client talent, should be involved.
  • Determine who, from outside the firm and the client, should be engaged.
  • Update the project timeline chart with all of these names – you might decide to call this iteration an TASK ASSIGNER chart.
  • Estimate the cost of every task on the chart, including travel and such, and further update the chart with this information.
  • Look over the chart for waste, inefficiency, and justifiable savings, and adjust accordingly. You may decide to call this iteration a 'budget' or 'Costed Roadmap'.
    • All human resources, for all planned project tasks
    • All other expenses for planned project tasks
  • Compare your budget with what the client was expecting and make available to the client with any comments as to feasibility or other insights.
  • Make sure the client approves the budget before proceeding.

Lean Routine:

  1. Have you revisited the Anticipated Range of Outcomes, including:

a. client project goals and deadlines

b. client budget expectations