Corporate Counsel 2018 Agenda

What Frustrates Corporate Counsel

Corporate Counsel 2018 Agenda Overstaffed matters Efficiency problems: Misalignment of goals: Lack of transparency: Inability to consider business objectives when presenting legal solutions

Trends Indicate It's Not All Bad News for Law Firms….But it Kinda is….

Lack of responsiveness: Nothing: Total cost:

Why Law Firms Should Care

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How to Reduce Your Client's Frustrations

Increase transparency:

“To have less tension between lawyers and clients, there needs to be internal and external transparency, communication and a well-defined scope. Having a well-scoped budget sets clear expectations for clients and law firms, as well as provides costs-per-task, which anchors the budget when change is necessary. Ensuring everyone is on the same page with the scope transforms the lawyer-client interaction from a tense setting and the client feeling out of control, to a simple math problem – If you add 'Y' more corporate representative depositions at 'Z' cost per deposition, then the budget increases by 'Y' multiplied by 'Z'. It then becomes a change order, and not a fight.”

Digitory Legal Bodhala Apperio LeGuard Mitratech's Take measured steps to be more efficient:

“In surveys, client interviews and RFPs, clients indicate they are seeking greater value and a focus on continuous improvement, efficiency, and transparency from their outside counsel and service providers. At the Legal Lean Sigma Institute, we see an increasing number of law firms and law departments engaging in process improvement and project management activities and the more progressive teams are doing so together.”

Test out new fee arrangements: Have a business mindset: Initiate alignment: