Inside Track Rebekah Mintzer big bucks companies have spent lobbying around net neutrality scathing feedback [email protected]  @rmintzer .
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What's Happening –

Ops Across the Pond

The growth of legal ops in the U.S set out to answer this question recently Here's some of what he learned: Connie Brenton NetApp  Corporate Legal Operations Consortium  ● Less Litigious. getting a job overseas! ● Tech Priorities.   a bit different in the way they choose and implement technology—

Associate Salaries Going Up: We Asked, You Answered

In last week's Inside Track, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy.  Cravath, Swaine & Moore surpassed Milbank's pay scale.  are clearly stewing Dan Clark  Caroline Spiezio Mark Smolik , general counsel and chief compliance officer at DHL Supply Chain Americas said: “If a law firm feels it necessary to pay first-year attorneys an extraordinary $190,000 to remain competitive, then that is their decision. Just don't ask for me to pay for it.” reality distortion field'  we are firing you everyday message to the market  Drop me an email here.

Following the Money

Monday marked the end of net neutrality in the U.S. MP McQueen Telecom v. Tech. Big Spenders. Facebook What's just as interesting as MP's story though, is how she sifted through a maze of lobbying records to put her piece together …


 the runner ups  2018 Best Legal Departments competition. Hulu Dropbox  AbbVie John Finley of Blackstone.  Caroline Spiezio  Louise Pentland PayPal GC Wanji Walcott. Watch the interview here.

Don't Miss –

Thursday, June 14. Transatlantic General Counsel Summit 2018 London. Wednesday, June 20 Global Leaders in Law “Changing Corporate Culture” in Geneva   Brussels. June 25-29 Mini MBA for GCs  Oxford, UK. Meena Heath [email protected]

On the Move –

A CLO Among CLOs.  The Association of Corporate Counsel Susanna McDonald newest chief legal officer. Amar Sarwal School's In.   named  Deborah Solmor deputy GC for litigation at Career Education Corp Skadden Meanwhile in China Shaolin Luo Simpson Thacher has been hired by  YunFeng Capital Jack Ma Beijing