Below is an excerpt of Law Firms Need Artificial Intelligence to Stay in the Game. The full report is available on the ALM Intelligence website. Artificial Intelligence Building Blocks Data: Processes: Talent: Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI
  1. Trainers: Teaches AI systems how to perform and AI algorithms how to mimic human behavior.
  2. Explainers: Fills the gap between the business and technical sides of the organization.
  3. Sustainers: Makes sure the AI system is performing as planned and designed.
  • How will AI impact the development of associates?
  • How can AI be used to capture expertise?
  • Will traditional staffing strategies change?
  • Can the firm take on more complex cases as a result of AI?
  • What impact does AI have on succession planning?
Culture: Technology:
  • Integration considerations include assessing what the AI product can be integrated with and is compatible with, such as Android and Apple products, laptop/desktop versus mobile devices, and Adobe Sign. To perform this exercise, a complete list of products, systems, and tools is required and needs to be cross-referenced against the AI functionality to see if there are any gaps. The AI landscape is quickly evolving, but still very much in the growing stage, which means not every product is 100% compatible with standard systems, solutions, and tools for law firms.
  • Cloud is now the primary deployment method of AI. Cloud deployment makes installation and access to AI products simple, but has historically raised the level of discomfort for many firms. The cloud also comes with its own set of options – private, public or hybrid; and host options (e.g., AWS). While law firms should already have policies in place that pertain to using the cloud, they may not be formalized or recently updated. It's important that all of this is reviewed and updated frequently.
  • Security, especially when considering cloud products, is front and center as a topic and major concern for law firm leaders. While the cloud does provide great security features and coverage, such as security updates included with AWS and Azure, and well-oiled policies, procedures and processes for handling, storing and using data based on type and location (among other factors), there are details to take into account. Clearly defining both procedurally and system access-wise who has what level of access to the AI system and the data will lay the foundation for AI security in the law firm.