Accounting records for Atlanta lawyer Nathan Hardwick IV's bankrupt former firm are expected to play a big part in his criminal trial for embezzlement, which started Sept. 17. Opening statements are scheduled for Monday in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

Morris Hardwick Schneider is still in bankruptcy proceedings, more than three years after it filed for Chapter 11, due to the “poor condition of the debtor's books and records,” according to a recent filing by the liquidating trustee in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

The residential real estate closing and foreclosure firm filed for bankruptcy on July 5, 2015. At its peak, it had been one of the largest closing and default firms in the nation, with about 800 employees in 13 states. Hardwick, the majority owner, ran the closing operation from Atlanta, while brothers Mark and Gerard Wittstadt, who each owned 22.5 percent of the firm, ran the foreclosure side from Maryland.