This article appeared in Marketing the Law Firm, an ALM/Law Journal Newsletters publication reporting on the latest, and most effective, strategies for Chief Marketing Officers, Managing Partners, Law Firm Marketing Directors, Administrators and Consultants.

Many talented lawyers shortchange themselves and their law firms by failing to implement a strategic business development plan. Some claim that they don't have time to market while others lament that marketing doesn't work — for them.

While these and a variety of other excuses are common, it may be productive to dig a little deeper to determine whether other factors are at play.

Throughout 30 years as an attorney mentor and professional coach, I have noted that one of the major obstacles faced by lawyers is a phenomenon first identified in 1978 by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes: The Impostor Syndrome (IP). They describe it as a feeling of “phoniness in people who believe they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement.” Attorneys affected by IP are held back because their confidence level is constantly and erroneously undermined.

Case Study

Roger, a senior associate in the tax department of a major law firm, consistently received positive reviews from supervising partners and proved to be a profit center. However, he falls short with respect to business development activities, which is jeopardizing his long-term prospects for advancement. I coached Roger and observed the following thought patterns and behavior, which are typical of those impacted by IP:

  • Underestimates experience and expertise. When I suggested that Roger author an article for a professional journal on a hot topic in the tax arena, he replied, “Why would anyone care about what I have to say?”
  • Feels unworthy of the success already achieved. Roger was recently honored by a community organization at its annual gala. He told me that the award was just a fluke and the organization had obviously run out of deserving people to honor.
  • Minimizes achievements. During law school, Roger worked full time, was on law review and graduated magna cum laude. When I complimented him on his robust resume, Roger replied, “If I were really smart, I would have graduated summa cum laude.”
  • Attributes success to good luck. When I congratulated Roger on receiving a referral from a prominent accountant, he told me that he happened to be in the right place at the right time. Otherwise, the client would have been referred elsewhere.
  • Holds self to unattainable standard of perfection. While we must always be mindful to maintain exceedingly high professional standards, Roger remembers every little mistake and constantly beats himself up over trivialities.

As Roger began to trust me, he confessed that since he was young, he has “lived in fear of being 'found out' or exposed as a fraud.” He further related that he is amazed how he has been able to deceive so many smart people into thinking he is more intelligent than he really is.

I introduced Roger to the concept of Impostor Syndrome and explained that lawyers can have a particularly difficult time with this phenomenon especially since we are, largely, held to a standard of perfection in our work. We ultimately become our own worst critic.

Roger was interested in learning more after taking an online assessment developed by Pauline Clance. The scale measures a person's level of IP.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

While the ultimate goal is for Roger to implement his business development plan, he will most likely have limited success until he rids himself of his negative internal script.

Most of us have a “Little Voice” in our head that can either support or sabotage us. It's our responsibility to take control of the message of that Little Voice. Although there is no “sure cure” for The Impostor Syndrome, your lawyers can take steps to minimize the effect of The Impostor Experience. The following perspectives and suggestions should have a positive impact on mindset and attitude:

1. Realize that many high achievers have felt less than adequate at some juncture.

Yet, they have overcome their feelings and soared to fame and prosperity. For example, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director and Chairwoman of the International Monetary Fund confessed that earlier in her career, giving presentations made her feel nervous and that the act of speaking up on an issue, rather than staying silent, required courage. Also, consider this excerpt from Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead:

Every time I was called on in class, I was sure that I was about to embarrass myself. Every time I took a test, I was sure that it had gone badly. And, every time I didn't embarrass myself — or even excelled — I believed that I had fooled everyone yet again. One day soon, the jig would be up …. This phenomenon of capable people being plagued by self-doubt has a name — the impostor syndrome.

The lesson to learn from these eminent women is to leave your comfort zone and burst through your own terror barrier. The next time the feared action won't seem so intimidating.

2. Inspire your lawyers to develop a relationship with a confidante (colleague, mentor or coach) with whom they may share their vulnerabilities.

Once I began revealing my inner landscape to others, I was amazed to hear that many have navigated the Impostor Experiences as well. Also, it is helpful to seek objective feedback from someone they respect. I often share with my coaching clients: “If only you could see you as I see you” and then outline their finer qualities.

3. Encourage your lawyers to recognize their own strengths and achievements.

For the next 30 days, suggest they jot down three positive actions they took or positive feedback they receive that day. Anytime they begin doubting their worth or ability to achieve, encourage them to refer back to the list for positive re-enforcement.

4. Partner with your lawyers to define with specificity what success looks like for them and build a written navigation plan that will guide them toward their objectives.

For example, over the past 18 years, I have completed a document (One Year Challenge) each December outlining the 10 key goals that I must achieve the following year in order to be satisfied that it was a year well spent. I record progress quarterly. Measuring personal and professional growth year after year is a powerful method by which to minimize Impostor-like thinking — provided that they are indeed moving forward in thinking and actions. If you would like a copy of the One Year Challenge, please email me at [email protected].

5. Adopt the following “Referability Habits” by Dan Sullivan, founder of The Strategic Coach:

  • Show up on
  • Do what you say you're going to do.
  • Finish what you start.
  • Say please and thank you.

The confidence level of attorneys whom live by these seemingly simple maxims will increase as a result of doing the right thing at all times. They will never be in the position of apologizing for being late to a meeting or for not delivering a work product on a timely basis. The reward will be cultivation of a loyal cadre of referral sources as well as repeat business.

6. Become “Cutting Edge” in your field.

Attorneys who stay up to date on the latest legal developments and tailor their strategies accordingly will naturally shed feelings of being an Impostor as other professionals and judges compliment them on their fine legal work.

I highly recommend that every lawyer set aside at least two hours a week for structured professional development. This would include reading the latest cases in your field or better yet writing your own analysis of emerging law as it happens. There is nothing like seeing your name in print to increase your confidence.


When lawyers take regular steps to overcome the Impostor Syndrome, they will develop the confidence to engage in productive business development activities. Help them today by sharing this article with them.


Business development strategist and veteran attorney Cynthia Sharp, Esq. works with motivated lawyers seeking to generate additional revenue for their law firms. For over 30 years, she has developed and tested business development strategies and constantly refines them to reflect modern marketing techniques. She may be reached at [email protected] or 609-923-1017.