The current government shutdown is already the longest in U.S. history and there seems to be no clear path for ending the impasse. It's brought non-essential government functions to a halt, left hundreds of thousands of federal workers without paychecks, and there are signs that it's putting a dent in the U.S. economy.

The federal judiciary has said it will run out of money to sustain court operations on Jan. 25.

➤➤ Read More: Government Shutdown Takes a Toll on the Legal Profession

In this week's Legal Speak podcast, San Francisco bureau chief Ross Todd talks with retired U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel about the shutdown's effects on the U.S. courts, including some that might not be immediately apparent.

We also check in with Christine Simmons, a business of law editor with, for more details on the intensifying fallout for private attorneys.

Listen to the podcast above or find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Libsyn.

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