What do clients really want from their outside counsel? How can law firms deliver better value and service? Is efficiency just another word for cutting costs or are legal departments looking for more than cut rates?

At Law.com, we pose these questions to in-house lawyers every chance we get and the message we hear is crystal clear: Client expectations are changing and too many law firms just don't get it.

That's what led our colleagues to create Lean Adviser Legal, an online program to help lawyers deliver better outcomes and boost client satisfaction.

Join Molly Miller, Chief Content Officer at ALM Media, for a conference call at 12 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 27, or Thursday, March 28 to learn more about the program and the new pressures on law firms to change the way they do business.

There's no doubt that law firms today operate in a new reality. Find out how to set your firm apart and seize the opportunity.