Big Law bad news is traveling faster than ever. Whether it's a gender bias lawsuit, the untimely death of a lawyer at the firm or the defection of key players to a competitor, a firm's public relations crisis can bubble to the surface in a matter of minutes.

That's where Mike France comes in. A partner at the advisory firm Brunswick Group, France is a former Big Law attorney who also spent 12 years as an editor at Businessweek and now helps law firms and companies navigate serious PR predicaments.

In this week's podcast, France, a Stanford Law grad, talks about the fight—yes, fight—that he says law firms need to prepare for when reporters come calling.

He also discusses the trend in law firms offering their own crisis management services and the complications that can arise when lawyers take on that role.

Listen to the podcast above or find us on Apple Podcasts, Google PlaySpotify or Libsyn.

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