Why are depression and alcoholism rates higher among lawyers than other professionals? Why are lawyers afraid to get help when they need it? Why does practicing law have to be so stressful?

In Law.com's Minds Over Matters project, we are seeking to shed light on the mental health challenges in the legal profession and address these questions and more. During the next 12 months, we'll publish a series of articles, columns, podcasts, videos and online chats about mental health issues that are affecting lawyers, students, judges and legal educators.

In today's podcast, you'll hear from Gina Passarella, editor-in-chief of Law.com affiliate The American Lawyer, who shares her goals for the Minds Over Matter series, as the leader of the editorial initiative.

Later, you'll hear from Law.com journalists David Bario, Lizzy McLellan and Dylan Jackson who discuss the stories they've covered in the past about lawyers struggling with mental health difficulties and how those situations have helped shape the direction of the Minds Over Matters effort.

Listen to the podcast above or find us on Apple Podcasts, Google PlaySpotify or Libsyn.

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