Our inaugural issue of What’s Next in November 2017 began with a quote from the Hacker’s Manifesto. I’d like to kick off this reboot of the briefing with a bit more camp, something you may come to expect from me as I jump into this newsletter as your new guide.

The “X-Files,” a show whose content and fandom was inextricably tangled with the growth of the Internet, flashed the tagline “The truth is out there,” at the end of most episodes. Like the show’s main characters, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, I cultivate a healthy skepticism of the world and an overgrown curiosity. During my past life covering labor and legislation for the restaurant and retail industries, I had a front row seat to the technological and legal disruption that’s allowing consumers to get a driverless car to deliver a Domino’s pizza to a middle-of-nowhere GPS location.