Angry Chicken


Most busy lawyers could benefit from getting more high-quality protein into their diets to keep them healthy and fully functioning for a jam-packed day. Here's a list of my favorites that include lean meat; eggs; dairy; beans, legumes and nuts; veggies, grains and supplements that are high in protein.

Everyone's daily protein needs are different depending on body type, activity level, body composition goals and other factors. The amount of protein you need at each meal also varies. It's generally accepted that 20 to 35 grams of protein at a time is the most efficient. Unless you are really trying to bulk up (uncommon for a busy lawyer), that'll likely do the trick.

And some research indicates that even if you are trying to bulk up, 50 grams of protein has the same effect as 30 grams, suggesting there is a cap in the body's ability to process it for muscle growth.

Bottom line, if your daily needs are 100 grams, it would be better to spread that out into four servings of 25 grams rather than making one monster 100 gram protein smoothie and taking it in all at once. As always, consult a medical professional before making changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Note, the list below isn't exhaustive and it doesn't include all sources of quality protein. But these are the biggies and are those I personally like and have developed some healthy recipes to share. Talk to your nutritionist and scour the Internet for more if you have special requirements and tastes. And with these, try to avoid cold cuts.

Meat and Eggs

  • Lean chicken breast (grilled, ground or roasted)
  • Lean turkey breast (grilled, ground or roasted)
  • Lean pork like tenderloin, loin chops and sirloin (grilled, ground or roasted)
  • Fish like wild salmon, cod, halibut (in moderation due to mercury), tuna steak (in moderation due to mercury), trout, sardines, mackerel, haddock, flounder (in moderation due to mercury) and perch
  • Lean red meat like fillet and sirloin (but only about once or twice per week according to Harvard Medical School)
  • Shrimp
  • Eggs and egg whites


  • Greek yogurt (it's awesome, with 20 grams of protein); I mix mine with almonds and berries and it's fantastic. I also use it instead of mayo for things like chicken salad.)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Milk (most milk nonfat or whole milk has 8 grams of protein)
  • Cheese: I have cheese as a snack or as a salad topper. I don't consider it a big source of protein, but it's a good way to add some taste, some healthy fat and to get some “incremental” grams of protein.

Here are my favorites:

  • Feta crumbles
  • Babybel Rounds from Laughing Cow
  • Mozzarella string cheese
  • Shaved parmesan

Beans, Legumes and Nuts

  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Black Beans
  • Peas
  • Peanuts: raw or peanut butter
  • Almonds: raw or almond butter
  • Walnuts

Nuts and nut butters are high in calories and heathy fat, so watch your quantities. They don't have lots of protein, but they can help you with some “incremental” grams. Buy organic and with no added sugar/salt.


  • Quinoa
  • Oats (people are going crazy for overnight oats)
  • Ezekiel Bread (people also got nuts for this low carb bread)


The following veggies are “high” in protein compared to other veggies, so they are great choices when looking to add incremental protein.

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Sprouts
  • Mushrooms
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Corn


In general, try to get your protein from “real” food. But supplementing with protein powders and bars can be an easy way for busy lawyers to get in their daily needs. Read more about protein powders and supplements here. The following are my favorites and certainly aren't an exhaustive list. Here are some great smoothie recipes too.

  • BioChem Vanilla Whey Protein
  • Pea Protein (like Vega products)
  • PB2 (this is a great additive for smoothies if you want the taste of peanut butter without the calories)
  • Rx Bars (these are tasty and made with egg whites and no chemical crap)
  • Square Protein Bars (organic and vegetable-based)
  • Siren Protein Bites (also vegetable-based and a nice treat)

Eat up, counselor!


Jonathan Jordan is a personal trainer, nutrition coach and corporate wellness consultant in San Francisco. Check out his blog JJ Fit 24/7.