Elizabeth Warren's performance in the first of two crowded Democratic debates last week has put her presidential bid front and center. And while the U.S. senator's life story is pretty well documented, less well-known is her spouse, a law professor who, like the other men married to presidential hopefuls, has a chance to become the first first gentleman in the nation's history. Here's a primer on Bruce Mann.

Mann has been on the faculty at Harvard Law School since 2006, where he is the Carl F. Schipper Jr. professor of law. He teaches American legal history, property and trusts and Estates. However it appears he's taking a break from the classroom while his wife hits the campaign trail. According to the law school's website, Mann isn't scheduled to teach again until the spring of 2020. Might he have a new residence at that point?

He may teach at Harvard, but he's a Yale guy. Mann got his Juris Doctor from the New Haven law school in 1975 along with a joint master's degree in philosophy. He struck around to collect his Ph.D. in legal history in 1977. But he wasn't a Yale undergrad. He attended Brown University.