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Rob Roy Smith, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, Seattle.

Smith is managing partner of the firm's Seattle office and co-team leader of the firm's Native American affairs team. He advises American Indian tribal clients on federal, state and tribal law, including tribal sovereignty, economic development, natural and cultural resource protection, taxation, and gaming.

How often during the week do you work out? I run three times a week, but I do core work or stretching every day for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

At what time during the day or evening do you work out? Early in the morning before work and the start of my daughter's school.

Rob Roy Smith. Rob Roy Smith.

What's your go-to routine? I am fortunate to live a few blocks from Green Lake in Seattle, a freshwater lake which has a 3.2-mile, mostly gravel running path. I run two loops (6.4 miles) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I run anywhere from 12 to 22 miles on Saturdays.

How long does it take? My pace varies depending on whether I am training for a marathon. However, a weekday run never takes longer than 50 minutes.

Why do you like this routine? I run approximately 1,300 miles a year. Being able to run as the sun rises over Seattle over the course of four seasons is truly special. I cherish the mornings when I can see eagles and herons (and the occasional raccoon), as it helps remind me of my place in the world.

What does regular exercise do for you? Running clears my mind and gets me ready for my day. Some of my best runs have been before oral arguments or trial. I have even come up with new (successful) arguments over the span of six miles. I believe running not only makes me a happier, healthier person, but it also makes me a better attorney. Knowing that I can run a marathon gives me the confidence to know that I can tackle whatever a client, opposing counsel, or judge throws my way.

How long have you been exercising regularly? I started running in 2007. Since that time, I have run 33 marathons and logged close to 16,000 miles. My goal is to run 50 marathons before my 50th birthday.

In what ways have you changed your routine over the months or years? Running is a must for me. In fact, it has become part of who I am. I bring a pair of running shoes and shorts on every business trip and, to my family's lament, every vacation. Because I don't like treadmills, and I have the pleasure of representing Indian tribes, I have been able to get out and see parts of this country that most lawyers will never experience.

How do you convince yourself to work out when you don't want to? There are many mornings when it is dark and rainy, and I'd much rather stay inside with a cup of coffee. But, I remind myself that I always feel better after a run. It also helps to have running partners; we depend on each other to be there.

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