Like so many other things, the outlook in lateral hiring gets more sobering every day. And international offices could be on the chopping block too, according to one prominent recruiter. Want to weigh in? Email me here. Want this dispatch in your inbox every Thursday? Sign up here.


Harsh Medicine

Last week, we were heavy on the silver linings. And, while I'm still convinced that there's value in recognizing how periods of upheaval create opportunities for smart thinking about the future, it's tougher to push continued optimism on a day when the Labor Department is reporting 6.6 million new uninsurance claims. That's 10 million Americans filing for benefits in the last two weeks.

Then, there's Zeughauser Group consultant Kent Zimmermann's comments, reported yesterday by my colleague Brenda Sapino Jeffreys, that a number of "strong, name-brand firms" are considering measures as dramatic as cutting partner draws by 50 percent.