This event is now available on-demand. If you have previously registered for this event please click here and login using the email your registered with.

Cost: Complimentary

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What practices and tools will help you tomorrow, not just today? 

Join this webcast and gain insights and best practices on remote staffing, firm and vendor disruptions, and process changes to sustain the continuity of services the rest of the industry relies upon. 

Plus, learn how to ensure your operations keep driving cross-functional collaboration, outside counsel engagement, knowledge management, and the delivery of legal services in ways that are flexible enough to meet the "new normal" head-on. You'll walk away with new, quickly applicable ideas for strategic planning and technology roadmapping for your organization. Additionally, you'll learn:

  • 5 tips to future-proof your organization 
  • What your peers are currently doing in this climate
  • New ways to use technology and how to integrate user adoption

Also, all attendees will recieve this free eBook:

REGISTER NOW! (Not able to attend? STILL REGISTER you will receive an email with how to access the recording of the event)


Steven O'Donnell

Head of Product Marketing


Brian McGovern

General Manager, Workflow Solutions


Jeffrey Marple

Director of Innovation, Corporate Legal

Liberty Mutual

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Questions? Please email [email protected] or call at (212) 457-4981