More than 1,000 lawyers, paralegals and law students are already volunteering at the polls as part of American Association for Justice's Voter Protection Action Committee. The initiative, which began in 2010, aims at recruiting members of the legal community to make sure all goes well for voters, some of whom are casting ballots two weeks before Election Day on Nov. 3. Jackie Olinger Rochelle, a St. Louis-based attorney Maune Raichle Hartley French & Mudd, and Julie Braman Kane, a Miami-based partner in Colson Hicks Eidson, who are co-chairs of the committee, talked to me about how the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified their volunteer efforts, and the enthusiastic reaction from the legal community to be there at the polls.

Q: You have been doing this initiative since the 2010. What do you recruit volunteers for?