This article appeared in Marketing the Law Firm, an ALM/Law Journal Newsletters publication reporting on the latest, and most effective, strategies for Chief Marketing Officers, Managing Partners, Law Firm Marketing Directors, Administrators and Consultants.

Comfort with the status quo has long been the enemy of innovators and change agents. If there was a silver lining for law firm technologists in 2020, it was the discomfort that COVID created. Working from home and other social distancing limitations forced even the most reluctant lawyers to embrace new ways of working and connecting with clients in ways that will long outlast the pandemic.

With a new year and fresh outlook for the future, the time is ripe for legal technologists and innovators to take the delivery of legal services and client experience to the next level. One key is recognizing that successful innovation — be it turning best practices into standard operating procedures, or reinventing the law firm business model altogether — is equal parts mindset, method and message.