Elevate posted its 2020 performance last week. And founder Liam Brown has some thoughts about what the Big Four's growing interest in legal work has for his business and the wider sector. Want to weigh in? Email me here. Want this dispatch in your inbox every Thursday? Sign up here.


What 2020 Meant to the Big Four, Elevate and Beyond

Elevate founder Liam Brown likes to call it a "law company." ALSP also works as a convenient shorthand. Putting nomenclature aside, Elevate offered a look at its 2020 performance at the end of last week.

In his note, Brown reported revenues of $79 million. While below budget, that figure was down just 3% from 2019's $81.4 million. While I've speculated that the cost pressure on corporate law departments in the early months of the pandemic would expand opportunities even more for alternative providers, the reality is clearly a little more complicated.