In this episode of the Perspectives podcast, sponsored by Appdetex and hosted on, we'll hear highlights from the December 3rd presentation titled, Mobile App Infringement: When Platform Notices Fail.

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically accelerated smartphone usage, driving consumers and business users to spend more time on mobile apps. With more usage, mobile apps have become a major focus for malicious actors who target brands, their apps, and customers.

David Caplan, Partner at Kilpatrick Townsend, and Fred Felman, CMO at Appdetex, explore what to do with the thorniest of cases when store complaints aren't the right choice for enforcement, how to design and execute escalated enforcement strategies, when to escalate enforcement measures to outside counsel, and more.

David Caplan | Partner | Kilpatrick Townsend

Frederick Felman | CMO | Appdetex