Work-from-home, hoteling, flexible schedules are all part of the future. But leaders aren't interested in renting flexible space away from their main offices. And a little more about the strategy at non-lawyer-owned Law on Call. Have an opinion? Email me here. Want this dispatch in your inbox every Thursday? Sign up here.

WeWork Office Model Doesn't Grab Law Firms. Are They Missing Something?

The degree of attention that my colleagues and I have been paying to the questions surrounding the future of the law firm office is itself getting noticed.

I realized this at the start of an HBR webinar Wednesday on the "law firm of the future," which began with three slides filled with headlines (including a number of my own) on subjects including return to office dates, remote work policies and virtual hiring strategies.

HBR was publicizing the results of its own recent survey of law firm COOs and executive directors on these questions. They'd already shared some of the findings on outsourcing with me. Still, some of the material on real estate and workplace practices was fresh, including a live poll of attendees which found 91% expected their firms will land in a hybrid space on the physical versus virtual work continuum.