The constituency for lean effectiveness incorporates every group involved in the practice of law. Each group has a stake in legal projects and the issues that arise in legal projects directly affect each. There are three main concerns, affecting all players:

  1. Effectiveness (getting the right outcome)
  2. Efficiency (on budget, on time, and for value)
  3. Transparency (with accountability and no surprises)

We saw these themes in more detail, in our lesson 'Provide Value Before and After the Work.'

So our canvas covers those selling legal services, their insurers, and those buying legal services. It also includes judges, lawmakers and even future lawyers, because Legal Process Engineering (performing one task better) and Legal Lifecycle Management (performing a whole project better) are both under-taught disciplines. This is why Lean Law offers education and training; not in the form of slow inaccessible training, but as Lean Learning.

The six primary user groups can be segregated into those on the 'sell side' and those on the 'buy side.' This is depicted below.