Hi, and welcome back to Bench Report. This week's newsletter is coming to you from my parent's front porch in suburban Massachusetts, where I can report that the pollen is plentiful and so are the dogs. Send all of your news, tips and feedback to [email protected], and follow me on Twitter at @jacq_thomsen.


A screenshot of the PACER website.

A 'Not Sustainable' Court Filing System

The federal judiciary this week released a government analysis of its current electronic system for court filings, and it wasn't great.

The report from 18F, a group within the General Services Administration, found after an 11-week analysis in which they spoke with more than 100 people in over 77 sessions, that the CM/ECF system for internal users and PACER for external ones are both "unsatisfactory." "The foundational technology is outdated and some components are becoming obsolete; it is not sustainable," the report reads.