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Jeffrey Blockinger, 51, Chief Legal Officer, CrossTower Inc.

When did you make chief legal officer at your company? June 2021.

Were you CLO at another company prior to your current company? I was chief legal officer, Och-Ziff Capital Management Group 2005-2014.

Jeffrey Blockinger. (Courtesy photo)

What was your path/journey to CLO? I started my career at Morgan Lewis' D.C. office as an investment management attorney specializing in alternative investment funds. Eventually, I moved to Schulte Roth & Zabel in New York where I represented Och-Ziff. The year I was up for partner I was approached by Och-Ziff and asked to join them to build out their legal department globally. At the time, I enjoyed my practice and liked my colleagues at SRZ but felt it was an opportunity I could not pass up. So I made the jump.