Credit: Led Gapline/Shutterstock Credit: Led Gapline/Shutterstock

The Trend:

As their clients increasingly head into the metaverse, law firms are going to have to become less risk-averse.

While the legal industry isn't exactly known for being on the cutting edge, the metaverse could prove to be the thing that finally allows firms to remake their stodgy images.

The Driver:

As companies stake out territory in the virtual world (or, more accurately, virtual worlds that make up the metaverse) and seek to establish their brands in a still-fledgling but hugely promising marketplace, their outside counsel are starting to join them to help identify and navigate business risks and opportunities. The law firms making this leap don't know exactly what they'll find in the metaverse—and that's actually kind of the point. These early adopters are hoping to have a hand in shaping this new market as it inevitably expands.