This lesson wraps up our mini-series on law firm values, and the last few series of lessons has addressed several ways to improve the attorney-client experience and bridge the disconnect between GCs and outside counsel. So let's pause for breath and recap. Law firms are aware that clients want to know what they stand for. Clients want to go into business with law firms which have a clear set of values. Not just institutionally, in terms of diversity, pro bono and ESG, but also values that will inform their daily practice of law. It's this last piece which firms so often fail to grasp.

This is why we ran a mini-series on the attorney-client experience, first from the attorney side, then from the client perspective. We concluded that it should really be seen as a shared journey. That led us to our last mini-series, a case study of a fictitious law firm Diamond LLP. We saw how they recognized the importance of having law-firm values. We also saw how their proposition was 'we have smart lawyers and good experience, so we can offer you a superior service', but that's not what clients heard.

These two mini-series — 'the shared journey' and 'law firm values' — both highlighted the big disconnect in the legal profession. If you see a legal assignment as a transactional service for money rather than a shared experience, then you are disconnected. Likewise, if you think business development is an activity, rather than an outcome of attorney methods, behaviors and mindsets, you're disconnected. This is where Lean Adviser can be a key asset, because it's a complete curriculum of all the methods to connect law firms to clients.