Each week, the Law.com Barometer newsletter, powered by the ALM Global Newsroom and Legalweek, brings you the trends, disruptions, and shifts our reporters and editors are tracking through coverage spanning every beat and region across the ALM Global Newsroom. The micro-topic coverage will not only help you navigate the changing legal landscape but also prepare you to discuss these shifts with thousands of legal leaders at Legalweek 2023, taking place March 20-23, 2023 in New York City. Registration is now open. Secure your ticket today.

The Shift: Law Firms Can't Follow The Leader Off the Cliff

This time last year, dozens of law firms had committed to salary raises for associates, after a few of the industry's most profitable law firms made the first moves. And firms were prepared to make matches for a big bonus season at the end of the year. Their partners, after all, were getting paid some of the largest distributions in firm history. And big firms followed through on another salary hike in early 2022.