Law firms have historically put the lion's share of their financial resources and efforts towards ensuring they have them "best" legal talent to meet or exceed client expectations.  For most firms, only scant attention and limited resources have been devoted to having the critical behind-the-scenes human and other assets in place to make the firm hum. These valuable assets ensure that the mail comes in and goes out; client invoices are prepared, sent, and collected; vendors are paid; documents are edited and distributed; employees are thriving and staying; and clients are received at reception with a smile. These touchpoints are vital to a firm's success.

Firm leadership must think about their talent (and that means ALL their talent) differently than they do today: as a core business asset whose managed value can make or break the firm's success. When business and strategic plans fail to consider these core business assets, they continue to be perceived as subordinate and supportive rather than stabilizers and growth drivers for a firm's success.