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EMPLOYEE DEPRECIATION - Legal team burnout is, of course, chiefly attributable to the principle of "all work and no play." But that's not the sole cause, a workplace stress consultant said during a presentation at the CLOC Global Institute conference in Las Vegas this week. Paula Davis, a former corporate lawyer who's now CEO of the Stress & Resilience Institute, said her research has found that while workloads play a key role in burnout, so does a lack of recognition. As Law.com's Hugo Guzman reports, Davis told the CLOC conference audience that feedback and constructive criticism are essential measures of recognition, as they provide employees with an understanding of where they stand in their career. "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected," Davis said.

WATCH IT - Speaking of employee appreciation, nothing makes workers feel seen quite like constant surveillance of their every move. From keystroke loggers to screenshot-capturing software and webcam eye-trackers, employee-monitoring tools have been on the rise since the pandemic. But, believe it not, tracking your employees like they're Snake Plissken in "Escape From New York" comes with potential privacy pitfalls. As Law.com's Maria Dinzeo reports, a new Littler Mendelson survey of more than than 500 in-house lawyers, C-suite executives and HR professionals found that 45% of companies were using employee surveillance and 41% were not and weren't considering doing so. But 65% of respondents expressed concern about the technologies' impact on employee morale and trust in the company, and an equal percentage expressed concern about their impact on compliance with privacy laws.

ON THE RADAR - Marriott International and other defendants were hit with an employment lawsuit Thursday in California Central District Court. The court action was filed by Lagerlof LLP and Maddin Hauser Roth & Heller on behalf of a Marriott employee who contends that she was denied 'Quarter Century Club' benefits after she achieved 25 years of employment with Marriott. Counsel have not yet appeared for the defendants. The case is 2:23-cv-03825, Cattaneo v. Marriott International Inc. et al. Stay up on the latest deals and litigation with the new Law.com Radar.