
Strategic Guidance for Law Firm Management

Welcome to the Law.com Pro Executive Briefing with Patrick Fuller and Gina Passarella. This week we begin a three-part examination of the full Am Law 200 data set, including a look at people, places and profits. In this first briefing, we explore how firms are staffing across lawyer and business ranks and introduce a new metric tracking staff to lawyer ratios at law firms. If you have topics or data you'd like to hear more about, let us know at [email protected] and [email protected].


How the Am Law 200 is Approaching Staffing

Growth and contraction are far from mutually exclusive, as is evident from the goings on at many Am Law 200 firms. Along with a perceived mandate to grow substantially, firms are also actively cutting lawyers and staff.

The desire for growth comes from the need to compete with not only larger firms, but other professional services providers as well as to gain an otherwise shrinking pie for legal services being performed by Big Law. Spreading out growing costs of things like cybersecurity is another motivator for growth.

But some of their historical growth doesn't match with current market dynamics. Firms that overhired during the pandemic are looking to shed talent due to falling demand. And even if the potential impacts of generative AI haven't hit law firm structures just yet, firms are shedding staff they say are performing tasks that are or will soon be obsolete.