Welcome back to Higher Law, our weekly briefing on all things cannabis. I'm Cheryl Miller, reporting for Law.com from Sacramento.

This week we're looking at:

  • The hemp industry's NY lawsuit.
  • A 9th Circuit remand of a Dormant Commerce Clause suit.
  • A new Saul Ewing partner.
  • Emerald Triangle voters' rejection of a cannabis-limiting initiative.

Thanks as always for reading. Got a story idea or feedback? A new legal hire in the cannabis space? A lawsuit development? You can send it all to me at [email protected]. You can also call me at 916.448.2935. Follow me on Twitter: @capitalaccounts

Credit: Soru Epotok/Adobe Stock

Lawsuit Accuses NY Pot Regulators of Shuttering Big Part of Hemp Industry 'Overnight'

In what seemingly has become a regular occurrence in New York, state cannabis regulators were sued this month over new rules.

This time, the target is regulations adopted by the Cannabis Control Board that severely limited THC content in hemp-derived products. Ten hemp companies sued the board, its chair as well as the Office of Cannabis Management and its chair in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, accusing the regulators of shuttering a large, once-legal portion of their businesses overnight, my Law.com colleague Brian Lee reported.