The diversity, equity, and leadership (DEI) practice has been in the news a lot lately. We can think of few professions that are bandied about more politically and socially than the diversity role. The latest discourse on whether the concept of equity should remain a part of the DEI moniker obscures and distracts from the impactful DEI-led contributions that every organization needs. While a few companies have scaled back their efforts, many more have maintained their commitments, are growing their teams, and are relying on their teams to evidence the vital connection between diversity leadership and elevated organizational performance. As reported by Forbes, a 2023 study by TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) surveyed 2,000 business strategists and their organizations on the benefits of DEI for their business outcomes and performance. It was found that DEI programs can enhance organizations' competitive position, agility, innovation, and brand perception. The study also shows that the maturity level of DEI programs matters, as organizations with the most mature programs experience the highest returns on their investment.

The Association of Law Firm Diversity Professionals (ALFDP), which comprises DEI professionals employed by more than 175 law firms based in North America and the U.K., successfully advances DEI by collaborating, innovating, and supporting members whose initiatives embrace the diverse perspectives and experiences that help build compelling client solutions and high performing places to work. ALFDP leaders demonstrate that DEI is not "unnecessary," "just overhead," nor a redundant aspect of an organization's HR function. The insights gained from guiding the diversity efforts of the largest legal services firms in the world are instructive and inspiring for the legal industry and beyond as organizations determine the best path forward in a climate that has twisted what DEI means and underestimates the unique value that DEI leadership brings.