For webinars and online meetings, which service does the firm use?
2007 2006
Cisco Systems, Inc. (WebEx) 39% 50%
Microsoft Corp. (Live Meeting) 26% 18%
Soundpath (Legal Conferencing Services) 11% 9%
Citrix Systems Inc. (GoToMeeting) 7% 6%
iLinc Communications Inc. (ConferenceLinc) 2%
Raindance (Meeting Edition) 2% 2%
Other 11% 15%
None 2% 2%
122 firms responding
Multiple answers were allowed.

What is the firm’s policy on instant messaging?
2007 2006
We prohibit IM. 46% 53%
We permit the use of third-party services. 36% 22%
We maintain our own proprietary system. 7% 7%
Other 10% 18%
121 firms responding