A group of 187 former clients of the O’Quinn Law Firm has sued the Houston firm, the late John M. O’Quinn’s estate and others, alleging the defendants overcharged them for expenses in silicosis suits, failed to distribute some silicosis settlements and communicate information about them, and were negligent in handling claims against some bankrupt silica defendants.
In their 11-page petition, the plaintiffs in Tory House, et al. v. O’Quinn Law Firm, et al. allege the defendants incurred “unnecessary and excessive” expenses in the plaintiffs’ silicosis suits and recouped them from the plaintiffs’ settlements; failed to pay settlements to plaintiffs who executed settlement documents and failed to communicate with the plaintiffs about the settlements; were negligent in connection with “bankruptcy claims for bankrupt silica defendants”; failed to distribute certain settlements; and “delayed communicating” with plaintiffs for several years about significant issues related to their silicosis suits. [See the petition.]
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