Imagine this scenario. You arrive at work and walk into your office, where you have a typical modern setup — laptop, dual monitors, keyboard, and mouse. You open your briefcase and remove your laptop, snap it into the docking station, and resume where you left off from the train. You have Outlook running on your second screen to your left. Word and Excel are displayed on your main monitor. You take advantage of the laptop screen and use it for your Lync conversations and meetings. You like this dashboard view. It gives you a lot of flexibility and reduces the amount of time you need to sort through application windows.

It is now mid-morning and you need to join a meeting in the conference room. You undock your laptop and bring it with you. Lync starts the meeting and you redirect the call to the conference room speaker phone. You are also sharing your PowerPoint presentation with the participants so you can collaborate on it. There are four people in the meeting — you, and another in the room, and two people in remote locations. As the meeting progresses you decide that you want to get additional feedback on the presentation, and invite three more people into the conference room to review it. To get the full effect, you decide to show the presentation on the 80-inch screen monitor in the room. Quickly and simply, you connect wirelessly to the monitor and put PowerPoint into presentation mode. In under 30 seconds, without getting up or plugging any cables in, the people in the room are able to see your presentation on the big screen. The slide deck and notes are still available on your laptop for you to reference.

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