A Fulton County judge who last year tossed out a suit claiming a sperm bank had misled clients about the psychiatric, educational and criminal background of a sperm donor has dismissed the bulk of a similar suit filed this year, writing as he did before that the assertions of product liability, fraud, breach of warranty and other claims were all essentially claims for “wrongful birth”—a tort not recognized under Georgia law.

In a Dec. 15 order, Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney dismissed 10 of the 11 claims against Xytex Corp. over allegations that a donor touted as a Ph.D. in neuroscience with a 160 IQ was in fact a college dropout with a felony record and diagnosis of schizophrenia. The only surviving claim is a nondamages “specific performance” claim demanding that Xytex provide information about the donor—information that Xytex has argued the plaintiffs allege they already have.

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