The Atlanta libel attorney representing the surviving brother of slain beauty pageant princess JonBenet Ramsey in a $750 million defamation suit against CBS says the network’s retrospective on JonBenet’s still-unsolved slaying has earned it a new reputation—as a generator of fake news.
“CBS put its entire brand and reputation out there saying they were conducting a new reinvestigation from scratch with seven world-renowned experts,” said Atlanta attorney Lin Wood, who on Wednesday filed suit on behalf of JonBenet’s surviving older brother, Burke Ramsey, against the network, a Hollywood production company, and seven self-styled experts who revisited the case for CBS. But Wood contends the four-hour retrospective, broadcast last September in advance of the 20th anniversary of JonBenet’s death, was, instead, “a shame and a fraud on the viewer” and that the investigators were “acting” in accordance with a script based on a self-published book by a former police officer who once worked for the Boulder, Colorado, district attorney years after JonBenet was killed.
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