Just as the Summer Campers at Big Firms have finished singing their last round of “Kum Ba Yah,” and before they have decided whether to accept their permanent offers for employment (they have to wait to see who will raise salaries again), the next wave of Cog prospects is interjecting themselves into “the process” that they hope will lead to a gig at a Big Firm. Time to start dropping r�sum�s for fall recruiting. Well, these days, “late summer recruiting” is probably more descriptive.
With salaries jumping every day, even some of you kids who decided to attend law school with hopes of saving the rainforests or working at a think tank to revamp Social Security have decided maybe Cogdom is the way to go instead. Heck, why not? If you can survive just two short years at an average of $147,500 a year, that will bank you the cash equivalent of working seven years as a public interest attorney at an average of $40,000 a year. Then you can afford to go and save the world and have some experience to boot.
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