Why run an article [Unsafe at Any Caliber] from someone who is so obviously prejudiced against a subject? Like most liberals, he thinks, but without the benefit of reality. Tuesday’s running over of children with an automobile is an unfortunate example of why trying to blame instruments for the destructive and irrational behavior of human beings is counterproductive to making our society a better place. Whether it be guns, knives, ball bats, hands or automobiles, any instrument is a menace when utilized with criminal intent. Mr. Diaz might also ask himself when this country has ever successfully banned something. Lunatics bent on going out in a blaze of glory will seldom worry that they may get an additional five years added to their death sentence because they used an illegal weapon to carry out their crime. Mr. Diaz, like most well intentioned but logically impaired people, obviously wants guns eliminated and resorts to the usual misstatements of fact and veiled arguments to accomplish that goal. Perhaps he should ask why Switzerland has a murder rate less than a third of ours while requiring that every male between the ages of 18 and 50 keep a fully automatic assault weapon in their home at all times.
In my opinion Mr. Diaz and his ilk are much more responsible for the increase in violence among the younger generation than any object manipulated for that purpose. Promoting a belief that the ills of society can be rectified by removing a means of expressing those ills is simply wrong, and irresponsible. The focus of all our energies should be towards curing the aberrant behavior: If that is accomplished then the need for further restrictions on any destructive device is rendered unnecessary.
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